

People help People

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Receive energy

thumb_Liebe For the sick and weak
If you are suffering from an illness or you feel sorrow, pain or weakness, then enter your contact point. Here you can get energy from other people, which you can use to alleviate your ailments and heal.

You may have a positive energy of thousands of people specifically call for your suffering.
You will feel yourself after charging your energy centers ensure better soon!
Also, we wish you a speedy recovery.

The faith of the people can heal the sick and move mountains.

Energy donation

thumb_HeilendeHaende For helping people
If you are a healthy person and feel the urge to help other sick or infirm, then you are exactly right. Here you can share your positive energy to other users.

The positive focus your mind on the healing of another individual can work wonders.

Help others and
They give you a part from your energy!

Help us to promote the belief in the positive and good.

My next will thank you!

InterGod People helping people!

InterGod (in German) Inter-God

is a social network to help the sick and vulnerable people.

Through this network, the possibility of affected people is to send mental energy on the network. Various energy centers of strong and healthy people can be charged. This energy can then be accessed by other people again.



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